This is so good! Did you once say somewhere, back when, that the character of Angus in TBLP and THR was inspired by Alexander Graham Bell? Or was that just something I came up with myself? In any case, this was a fun read ... and explains sooooo much about you and your writing.

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You're right, Jean. Physically, Angus is an amalgam of Alexander Graham Bell, Robertson Davies, and my first year Physics prof at McMaster. Good memory!

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I've been learning about Human Design (well worth the time to research) and discovered I am a manifestor-generator... I'll bet that you are too! Multi-passionate beings who are interested in a multitude of things all at the same time! When we have learned enough about a certain topic, we will drop it in favour of the next one!

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You may be right! Interesting.

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Curiosity is a gift that keeps giving. Great post, Terry. May your curiosity and interest never fade.

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A polymath. Well, that's the only kind of math I'm excited about. I think I could write a list like yours with all the things I've explored and loved. Learning new things is just the best! Great post, Terry!

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Curiosity fuels wonder and leads to adventure and discovery. You did a great job illuminating how historical figures, science and the unknown can drive us to examine subjects as we seek answers. I love how Robert Browning put it. "A man's reach should exceed his grasp or what is a Heaven for?". We need that innately pure curiosity to drive us to reach beyond our grasp and keep us growing.

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