Hi, Terry - Thank you for the permission to have so many interests. I was scared I was just scatter-brained!

Geography, AND geology, trees, hiking, kayaking and anything outdoors in any season; religion; people; words; making things - any things - with my hands; murder mysteries and reading almost anything - although I am becoming a bit more discerning as I age. Cereal boxes no longer interest me, nor do badly-written books.

Still working on my first novel though - mainly because my computer lost it last spring and broke my heart. 126 pages survived, as well as a couple of earlier versions. Thanks to my wide interests I can put off the re-write with other tasks.

That gotta stop!

Merry Christmas, etc.

Monica Graham

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Awesome article. It's not just because I'm another Terry or a fan that I agree that diverse interests are great for writing and that writing what what you know is best. It's certainly been absolutely true in my own. And I don't think it's a non sequitur at all that another creative talent like Rik Emmett is attracted to your books. I think it's just two of sides of the same many sided (synergistic) coin!

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Thanks, Terry.

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What a thrill to meet Rik Emmett by happenstance! Love your writing Terry.

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I have many interests, too! I'll have to think of a checklist as I write future novels. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Hmm, as I transition from first novel to second, making a checklist like yours would be quite a useful exercise. And congratulations on meeting Rik!

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Cool and sweet! You and Rik both got lucky to get picture with each other!

Like the checklist...

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And furthermore, on your main theme in this list of interests not yet explored in your novels, time for you to write about the ten-year-old detective.

As you will see in my novel, ‘The Treasure of Stella Bay’, I’ve covered that base, though my detective is 12.

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Celebrity is a strange thing, Terry. One man’s idol is another man’s obscurity.

Take yourself, for example. I know you as a celebrity writer, though I know many who have never heard of you. On the other hand, I had no idea who Rik Emmett is.

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