Nothing self-indulgent about this one. Loved it. (Especially the "My wife has always known my writing life is important to me..." paragraph!)

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Thanks for sharing this perspective of what being a writer means to you. It cuts through the challenges of character and plot development, word counts, and cover designs and speaks to the meat and potatos of writing, the part that keeps me coming to the table and pushing through what’s before me. I feel the same about not talking about how fortunate I am to be able to do this at my will at this time of my life. We are blessed.

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I am loving the glimpses into what makes Terry Fallis who he is. I also like to compare my journey to yours and see a few similarities. I've got you beat on one thing, though. I didn't start my novel journey until I was 60! Loved words and writing all my life but didn't really get serious until my son asked me if there was something I wished I had done in my life. "Write a novel!" popped out. A week later I was off and running on this marvellous marathon. Thanks for lighting the way for so many of us, Terry.

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Interesting article. I find writing allows me to express things through fictional characters that I wouldn't be able to say out loud. Writing is a form of therapy for me.

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Thank you so much for sharing how writing and being a writer feels to you!! Who cares how old you were/are?? That doesn't matter one bit!! What matters is that you are feeling it - and now sharing it.

It is through this sharing that I realized that I am not a writer nor do I want to be one! I am a reader. I love to read. I have all the geeky pins and stickers, etc., about my love of reading. I surround myself with books, and covet the ones that are special to me (like my collection of YOUR books!). I get giggly when I think that I have friends who are authors (like our mutal friend, Mark). I get it.

Thanks again SO much for sharing this here! (I think maybe you make your own luck...)

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Great post, Terry. Thank you for sharing something so personal. Sometimes it is easy to get lost in our focus on publishing and we miss the pure pleasure of penning the exact right word at the exact right moment. I love your perspective.

Thanks again, Terry. I suspect this was an easy post to write and hard one to publish--maybe that is why it is so important and good.

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So interesting, Terry. Not nauseating at all. Haha. I think yiu bursting into tears has something to do with a dream coming true. I, upon entering a cruise ship stateroom for the first time, burst into tears unexpectedly since it was a dream come true for me. Thank you for sharing yet again. Faithful reader.and attender of 3 talks now.

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I don't know about "paying your dues" -- I'll leave that for you and your Muse to work out. But I think you have all the street cred you need between those two typewriter bookends.

Sure, luck plays a part in publishing -- a huge part. But you don't luck into getting eight novels published. It takes a lot of hard work, effort, and sacrifice. And if that's not dues-paying, I'm not sure what is...

Love your commentary on your "writerly indulgences". I have a few of those myself. Not sure if they have put me on the road to being a better writer, but they do make the ride more enjoyable...

Thanks for the insights, Terry!


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